City News and Announcements
Request For Proposals
The City of Woodson Terrace, Missouri (City) seeks consulting services to prepare an updated Comprehensive Plan. The new, updated plan will provide vision, goals, objectives, and policies to guide the City’s elected and appointed officials, property owners, developers, staff, and residents on the appropriate growth and redevelopment for Woodson Terrace. Consultants or a consultant team should have expertise in the areas of land use planning, transportation connectivity, urban design, economics, and sustainability. It is anticipated that work will begin in summer 2024, and the finished product will be adopted by the City in 2025. This RFP is a competitive process to select a respondent or team of respondents that best meets the needs of the City based on qualifications, service, capabilities, allotted time and costs, as well as other factors. It is a competitive process based not on price. This RFP contains instructions governing the proposals to be submitted, the materials to be included, and the requirements that must be met to be eligible for consideration.
Please see requirements and selection process here: Request For Proposals.
Small Business Toolkit
To be resilient for any economic conditions, Missouri’s business and historic districts must be ready to adapt by investing in the development of their business and/or organization. This involves reviewing procedures, updating or creating an online website, and more. Utilize the findings and resources prepared through this grant to take your business and/or Main Street organization to the next level with this free downloadable Small Business Toolkit.
Visit Missouri Main Street Connection for more information.
Gateway Airport Communities Coalition Announcement
June 8, 2023. City of Woodson Terrace, Missouri
Today, at the invitation of the Mayor of the City of Woodson Terrace, 7 municipalities
met and agreed to work as a Coalition to create and advocate for inclusion, equity and
opportunity as part of infrastructure and development planning underway at St. Louis
Lambert Airport and its connections with Interstate 70, arterial roadways and Bi-State
Metrolink stations.
The City(s) of Berkeley, Edmundson, Hazelwood, Kinloch, Overland, St. Ann and
Woodson Terrace, agreed to form a Gateway Airport Communities coalition, to focus on
engaging the voices and visions of municipalities and community stakeholders in
proximity with Lambert Airport to provide input on transportation connectivity to improve
access, linkages, jobs and opportunity.
The group agreed on a shared vision that St. Louis Lambert International Airport is a
central hub from which a vibrant, connected transportation network of Gateway Airport
Community corridors can be supported to welcome and facilitate the flow of commerce
through the larger St. Louis region. Investment in well-planned roads, combined with
innovative multi-modal air and transit alternatives, will remove barriers that impede
community activity, and enhance mobility, quality of life and opportunities for all.
Next steps will be to broaden the coalition and call on local, State and Federal leaders
to “amplify the story” that will ensure local community engagement is part of major
infrastructure investments, anticipated in the Gateway Airport footprint and I-70 corridor.
“We are all part of the Greater St. Louis Region,” stated Woodson Terrace Mayor
Lawrence, “Butch” Besmer, “and we feel pretty strongly that we, too, should share in the
prosperity that flows from these public investments.”
For more information and to schedule an interview, please contact: Laura Madden,
Consultant to City of Woodson Terrace;
First posted on City website January 2022
During 2021, the City of Woodson Terrace, Missouri, met the minimum standards established by Section 67.287.2 RSMo. as set forth below. For more information, contact the City Clerk at 314-427-2600. (1) The City approved a balanced annual budget listing anticipated revenues and expenditures, as required in Section 67.010 RSMo. (2) The certified public accountant firm Spinner & Kummer conducted an annual audit of the finances of the City that includes a report on the internal controls utilized by the City to prevent misuse of public funds. (3) The City used a cash management and accounting system that accounts for all revenues and expenditures. (4) The City maintained the following insurance at adequate levels to minimize risk: (a) General liability coverage (b) Police professional liability coverage (c) Workers compensation benefits for injured employees as required under the provisions of Chapter 287 RSMo. (d) Bonds covering local officials as required by Sections 77.390, 79.260 and 80.250 Copies of these insurance policies and bonds are available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk. (5) The City provided access at the office of the City Clerk to a complete set of ordinances adopted by its governing body, available to the public within ten business days of a written request. An online version of codified ordinances was available at
(6) The City was served by its own police department, a department accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies.
(7) The police department serving the City had written policies regarding the safe operation of emergency vehicles, including a policy on police pursuits. A copy of such policies is available at the office of the City Clerk.
(8) The police department serving the City had written policies regarding the use of force by peace officers. A copy of such policies is available at the office of the City Clerk.
(9) The police department serving the City had written general orders. A copy of such general orders is available at the office of the City Clerk.
(10) The police department serving the City had written policies for collecting and reporting all crime and police stop data for the City as required by law. Such policies have been forwarded to the Missouri Attorney General's office. A copy of such policies is available at the office of the City Clerk.
(11) The City conducted construction code review by City Staff pursuant to the codes and procedures as appropriate.
Proper Address Requirements
A note from the City of Woodson Terrace Code Enforcement Officer.
It has been noticed that several homes within the city have incorrect or missing premise identification (address numbers). Easily legible numbers are essential for rapid response of emergency personnel and are required by local building codes. The following are the building code requirements for premise identification numbers within Saint Louis County and the City of Woodson Terrace.
[F] 304.3 Premises identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (102mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7mm).
Deadly Distraction
Please take a minute to review these testimonials and statistics on distracted driving.
Vector Activity
There has been an increase in vector activity this summer and fall. After speaking to several sources, it seems the following THREE reasons could account for the uptick in rodents.
1) There are several thousand more people working from home, leading to more waste, leading to increased food sources.
2) Demolition work at the Airport. Just across Highway 70, new gas mains are going in. This is causing normal rodent routes to be capped/and or disturbed.
3) Sewer smoking. Several times a year MSD contracts with local engineering firms to look for cracks and faults in the sewer systems. This includes pumping non-toxic smoke into the sewer mains to look for seepage. This also drivers rodents to higher ground.
We are currently obtaining more traps. If you see activity please report to City Hall during business hours (8:30-4:30 M=F). We will check the area to see if its already baited, and if not, set out some boxes.
If you do encounter rodent dens, fill with gravel. Keep trashcan lids tight.
You may also obtain your own pest control items or services.
Non-Emergency Police Dispatch
Here is a reminder about whom to call, and when for non-emergency police needs:
Woodson Terrace Police Department Non-Emergency Line, Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm:
St. Louis County Police Non-Emergency Dispatch, non-business hours:
General Code Now Online
The General Code for the City of Woodson Terrace is now available online. Check it out here.