The City of Woodson Terrace - 4323 Woodson Road Woodson Terrace, MO 63134 Phone: 314-427-2600

Which Online Payment System Should You Use?

MuniCourt.Net is an Online System created by REJIS for those DEFENDANTS who received their citations PRIOR To and Including JAN 26, 2020; you are in the PLUS Court System.  You may pay an Allowable Minor Traffic Violation (MTV), or fines previously assessed by the Judge (NOT a recommendation) on line. Muni Court does provide you your Citation Number needed to pay online.

Again, please View this link for those allowable charges.

Case Net is a Judicial response in Missouri to an Online System designed for people to follow their court case 24/7. Case Net would apply for those DEFENDANTS who received their citations SINCE JAN. 28, 2020 you are in the New Statewide SHOW ME COURT SYSTEM (SMC). Please click here for online payment. If your citation is a MTV, a Plead and Pay option to pay on-line is available up to the court date given on your citation.